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Do Fleas Jump and Other FAQ’s About Fleas

Do fleas jump?

While fleas do no have the ability to fly, fleas can jump.  In some cases, fleas are able to jump as high as six to eight inches in the air.  This is a major distinguishing factor between fleas and bed bugs as bed bugs cannot jump.

Fleas usually only jump to find a host to feed on.  After that they are much more likely to crawl around on the host.

Early stage fleas in bed signs?

Waking up to bites on your skin could be a sign of bed bugs or fleas.  So what are the early stages of fleas in bed signs?  Bites on skin is the most obvious; however, the biting insect could also be bed bugs.  The presence of flea dirt, which is tiny black specks that appear on sheets and bedding, could be a good indicator of fleas.

If your pet sleeps in the bed with you, this could also be an indicator of fleas if you wake up with bites.

Do sand fleas bite?

Sand fleas do bite.  Sand flea bites result from a female sand flea burrowing into a human’s skin.  Sand flea bites can be painful and also itchy, similar to mosquito bites.  The most common time of the day for sand flea bites is a visit to the beach in early morning or evening.

Does lysol kill fleas?

While lysol can kill fleas on contact, it is not the best choice.  Lysol, unlike pyrethroid insecticides, does not have much residual action.  Meaning after Lysol is sprayed, it is likely not very effective killing fleas over an extended period of time.

So while lysol can kill fleas, the best option for killing fleas is the combination of insecticides with long residual action combined with insect growth regulators to disrupt fleas’ ability to breed.

Lice vs fleas?

Flea eggs and lice nits can look similar.  So how do you know the difference between lice vs fleas?  First fleas are more likely to feed on blood; whereas, lice feed on shed skin and skin cells.  Fleas preferred host are dogs, cats, and wildlife; however, lice will feed on both animals and humans.

Lice lay eggs that remain on humans, especially human hair.  Fleas lay eggs, usually on pets or wildlife, which then fall off onto carpets and outdoor areas.

Pictures of fleas?

Taking pictures of fleas may help your pest professional determine the type of flea infesting your home.  Cat fleas and dog fleas are common fleas that infest a home after hitching a ride on a family pet.  Once inside, fleas can rapidly multiply as long as they have access to regular blood meals.

Proper treatment of a flea infestation inside a home requires 3 steps completed at the same time: treatment of the home, treatment of the yard, and veterinarian treatment of the pet or pets.

Types of fleas?

There are thousands of different species or types of fleas that may infest your home or yard.  Some of the most common types of fleas include: cat fleas, dog fleas, human fleas, and oriental rat fleas.

Once a flea infestation has been confirmed, aggressive action is needed to prevent the flea infestation from quickly growing out of control.

Synergy² Pest Control Jackson MS

If you’re looking for the right team to handle the issue for you, Synergy² is here to help. We provide trusted services throughout the area, so contact us for the best pest control services around.

Feel free to read more about us and decide if Synergy² is the right company for you.  We have over 350 Five-Star Google reviews for pest control service in the Jackson metro area (Jackson/Madison/Brandon/Ridgeland). Check out our newest location reviews for pest control service in Jackson, MS here at Synergy² Jackson Pest Control!

Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Pharmacist and Synergy² Pest owner, Barry Pitts, is a long-time Madison, MS resident with a passion for applying advanced scientific pest principles to pest control services in the Jackson metro area.  Combining exceptional customer service with cutting-edge pest control technology allows Synergy² to provide residents of the Jackson metro area with the highest levels of pest control available today.

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