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Are Silverfish and House Centipedes the Same?

The presence of household pests can be an uncomfortable and unwelcome experience. Silverfish and house centipedes are two of the most common household pests, and while they may look similar and have some shared behaviors, they are actually two different species. It is important to understand the differences between these two pests in order to identify and treat an infestation properly and to protect your home from future invasions.

House centipedes and silverfish are two of the most feared and disliked critters that can find their way into our homes. While many people mistake these two creatures for one another, they are actually two separate species. Despite their similarities, house centipedes and silverfish have vastly different behaviors, diets, and habitats, making them two distinct species. In this blog post, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between silverfish and house centipedes, so you can better understand how to protect yourself and your home from these pests.

Common FAQ’s About Silverfish

Do silverfish bite?

How to get rid of silverfish?

Silverfish house centipede?

Bugs that look like silverfish?

Where do silverfish come from?

Physical Differences

Silverfish and House Centipedes are two commonly found household pests that can cause a nuisance to homeowners. Although they may look similar, they have some distinct physical differences.

Silverfish are small, wingless insects with a silver or grayish-blue color and a long, flattened body. They have three long, bristly tails, and their antennae are about as long as their body. Silverfish have six legs and two long antennae. They range in size from one-half to one inch in length.

House centipedes are light yellow to dark brown in color and have 15 pairs of long legs, giving them a very distinctive appearance. Their body is elongated and flattened, and they have one pair of legs for each segment. These arthropods are known for their ability to move quite quickly, making them difficult to catch. Silverfish, on the other hand, have a more cylindrical body and only three pairs of legs. They are usually grey, white, or yellowish in color and also move fast.

Diet Preferences

When it comes to diet preferences, silverfish and house centipedes have very specific preferences. Silverfish are typically scavengers and will feed on many different items in a given environment, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and even paper and glue. They are also known to feed on fabrics, book bindings, and wallpaper. House centipedes, on the other hand, prefer a more specialized diet. They feed mainly on other insects, such as cockroaches, spiders, and flies. In order to supplement their diet, centipedes will also feed on small amounts of plant matter.

In order to prevent an infestation of silverfish and house centipedes, it is important to keep the environment free of available food sources. Silverfish and house centipedes are both scavengers, meaning they feed on organic matter such as dead skin, carpets, paper, and fabric. Additionally, they feed on items such as cereals, spices, and starches. To avoid an infestation, it is advised to regularly clean and vacuum a home, as well as store food items in sealed containers. It is also important to check behind furniture, appliances, and baseboards for any signs of silverfish or house centipede activity.


Silverfish and House Centipedes are two insect pests that are commonly found in homes. Silverfish are small, wingless insects with a silvery-gray color and a teardrop shape. House centipedes are elongated, multi-legged insects that can range in color from brown to yellowish-gray.

Both of these pests are drawn to dark and damp areas. In homes, they are typically found in bathrooms, basements, attics, and other areas with high moisture levels. Silverfish may also be found in pantries and other storage areas where they can feed on starchy materials like paper, glue, and fabrics.

House centipedes are also commonly found in these areas, as they are predatory insects that seek out a food source. Centipedes may consume silverfish, as well as other insects such as spiders, ants, and cockroaches. Silverfish and house centipedes are commonly found together in these environments due to their shared dietary needs. These pests can be a nuisance in the home and should be removed as soon as possible.


Silverfish and house centipedes are insects that often invade our homes and cause distress to homeowners. These pests are often considered nuisance pests because they are not known to cause any physical harm to humans, but their presence can be a nuisance. Silverfish are small, wingless insects, typically silver or gray in color and about 1/2 inch in length. They have a flattened, carrot-shaped body and three long, bristle-like tails. House centipedes are longer, reaching up to an inch in length, with a flattened, segmented body and 15 pairs of legs. The most common behavior of both silverfish and house centipedes is their nocturnal activity.

Silverfish and House Centipedes are two common insects that can be found in many households. Both of these creatures have similar behavior and characteristics but are different species. Silverfish are small, silvery-gray insects that can reach up to 1 cm in length. They are active at night and are capable of living up to 8-10 years. They feed on a variety of organic materials, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and sugars. House centipedes, on the other hand, are much longer and have more legs than silverfish. They can reach up to 2 inches in length, with 15 pairs of legs. They are also nocturnal and live for about 6-7 years.

Reproduction Habits

Silverfish and House Centipedes are two of the most common pests found in homes. They are both known for their fast reproduction habits, which can make them difficult to manage. Silverfish lay eggs in small batches of up to 50 eggs and can lay multiple batches in a lifetime. House centipedes lay eggs in clusters of up to 60 eggs and can lay multiple clusters in a lifetime.

Both species prefer humid and moist environments, so areas with standing water or spots with high humidity levels can attract them. To prevent them from reproducing, it is important to keep your home dry and free of areas where moisture can accumulate. Additionally, regularly vacuuming and cleaning your home can help keep their populations down.

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Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Pharmacist and Synergy² Pest owner, Barry Pitts, is a long-time Madison, MS resident with a passion for applying advanced scientific pest principles to pest control services in the Jackson metro area.  Combining exceptional customer service with cutting-edge pest control technology allows Synergy² to provide residents of the Jackson metro area with the highest levels of pest control available today.

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