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What Kinds of Ants Are Most Harmful to Your Home?

Many different types of ants can invade your home, but some can be more harmful than others. Species like carpenter ants are infamous for causing expensive property damage, while other types are just a nuisance. Regardless, homeowners must take action at the earliest signs of an infestation if they want to get rid of ants for good. Learning about the most common types of household ants will help you assess your situation and discover the right pest control solutions.

Carpenter Ants

The most destructive type of common household ant is the carpenter ant. As their name suggests, these critters love to burrow within wood, and they can cause some serious damage to your home if left unchecked. Unlike termites, they don’t eat wood. Instead, they build nests in wooden structures by chewing holes with their powerful jaws. Carpenter ants typically build their nests outdoors in trees or logs, but they will also set up shop inside your home if they find a suitable location. Carpenter ants are most attracted to moist wood, wall holes, or other vulnerabilities that make infiltration easier.

How will you know if you have carpenter ants? The most telltale sign is the unique appearance of carpenter ants. Carpenter ants also grow four wings on their back when they reach adulthood. You’re most likely to see winged carpenter ants during spring months, as this is when they fly away from their nests to reproduce. If you see any flying ants inside your home, it’s a good indicator of a nest nearby. 

Another way to determine if you have a carpenter ant infestation is by identifying sawdust piles near wooden structures in your home. People who live near the beach or other high-humidity areas need to take extra steps to prevent moisture damage and condensation that attracts carpenter ants. Carpenter ants If you see any of these signs, it’s best to call a pest control professional to assess the situation and take appropriate action.

Moisture Ants

Moisture ants seek out damp areas in your home to use as their nests. They need a lot of water to survive and will cluster near high-condensation areas like leaky pipes or poorly ventilated bathrooms. They’re often mistakenly identified as carpenter ants because they also tunnel through wood, expediting the decay of homebuilding structures.

These are often dark brown. You can distinguish them from carpenter ants because they don’t have wings and are slightly smaller.

You can prevent moisture ants by fixing leaks and ensuring that all rooms in your house are properly ventilated. You should also reduce moisture around your home’s foundation by making sure gutters are clear, and downspouts are directed away from the building. Your local pest control experts will be able to quickly eliminate any infestations. After extermination, you should consult a plumber to check your home for any leaks that could’ve attracted them in the first place.

Fire Ants

Ouch! If you have fire ants, you might feel them before you see them. They’re most commonly found in the southern United States, but they’ve been known to hitch rides on shipments and end up in other parts of the country with warm, sunny climates.

Fire ants build their nests in the ground and can have up to 250,000 members in a single colony. They’re naturally aggressive and will swarm and attack if they feel their nest is threatened. Their venomous sting causes immediate pain and itching that can last for days. In extreme cases, people can have allergic reactions to fire ant bites that require hospitalization.

Since they nest in soil, fire ants are more likely to nest in your backyard than inside your home. Nothing ruins backyard fun like a fire ant infestation. Plan ahead with your pest control partner to help you get rid of fire ants before building a pool or designing an outdoor living space.

Allegheny Mound Ants

Allegheny mound ants are reddish-brown ants commonly found in the eastern United States and Canada. These ants can have hundreds of thousands of members in a single colony. In terms of appearance and behavior, mound ants are similar to fire ants. They have red and black bodies and will attack if they feel their nest is threatened.

The most distinguishing trait of Allegheny mound ants is their massive soil nests. These nests can stretch up to three feet high and 15 feet wide. They can pose a severe threat to landscaping, as they produce a unique acid that kills plants.

Allegheny mound ants require extensive persistence when it comes to extermination. Due to the size of their mounds and colonies, they can quickly rebuild. The best course of action is to set up frequent pest control appointments to apply constant pressure on their rapidly expanding populations.

Sugar Ants

Sugar ants aren’t destructive or aggressive like other species on this list, but they’ll still require prompt action from homeowners. These small, brown ants are attracted to sweet foods and will their way into pantries and kitchens in search of a sugar fix. They’re also known as odorous house ants because they emit an unpleasant moldy smell when crushed.

Sugar ants can be quickly managed by pest control specialists. After getting rid of sugar ants, homeowners can keep sugar ants out for good by regularly cleaning their kitchen, storing food in airtight containers, and quickly tending to any spills or dropped crumbs that would attract them.

Defend Your Home From Any Type of Ant

Ants are one of the most common household pests in North America. If you’re dealing with an ant problem, it’s important to identify which type of ant is invading your home so you can take steps to get rid of them effectively. There are a few different types of ants that commonly invade homes, including carpenter ants, moisture ants, fire ants, and sugar ants. Each type of ant requires a different method of extermination and prevention. So, if you’re finding ants in your home, call a pest control professional to help you identify the type of ant and get rid of them for good.

Synergy² Pest Control Jackson MS

If you’re looking for the right team to handle the issue for you, Synergy² is here to help. We provide trusted services throughout the area, so contact us for the best pest control services around.

Feel free to read more about us and decide if Synergy² is the right company for you.  We have over 350 Five-Star Google reviews for pest control service in the Jackson metro area (Jackson/Madison/Brandon/Ridgeland). Check out our newest location reviews for pest control service in Jackson, MS here at Synergy² Jackson Pest Control!


Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Pharmacist and Synergy² Pest owner, Barry Pitts, is a long-time Madison, MS resident with a passion for applying advanced scientific pest principles to pest control services in the Jackson metro area.  Combining exceptional customer service with cutting-edge pest control technology allows Synergy² to provide residents of the Jackson metro area with the highest levels of pest control available today.

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