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Is a Wolf Spider Bite Poisonous?

Is a Wolf Spider Bite Poisonous?

What happens if a wolf spider bites you? Are wolf spider bites dangerous? Read on to learn the truth about wolf spider bite here.
  Between 3% and 6% of the global population are afraid of spiders. But the fact is, deaths from spider bites are very rare, despite many arachnids being poisonous. But what should you do if you get a wolf spider bite?

What Is a Wolf Spider and Do They Bite?

Wolf Spiders sound scary. Their names relate to their hunter-like behavior. Much like wolves, they stalk prey, capture it and opt for a solitary lifestyle. They also boast excellent eyesight in the dark. Other than in the fall when they seek a mate, they keep themselves to themselves, staying away from other wolf spiders. They also don’t like humans. They do bite, however. They carry a venom, which is different from poison. This means they are not very dangerous when it comes to humans if they do encounter one. However, they do bite.

What Happens If You Get a Wolf Spider Bite?

The venom of a wolf spider paralyzes. But they are small creatures and so cannot cause paralysis in human beings. These spiders tend to hunt for insects smaller than them to eat. Their venom is toxic to these insects, allowing them to freeze them and be devoured. But when it comes to humans, a wolf spider bite is not very dangerous. In terms of pain, it’s similar to being stung by a bee. If you’re bitten, there will be a sharp pain in the area it happens. This will leave a red mark. But both of these reactions are fleeting. This means a wolf spider bite is not fatal. There are zero accounts of a serious wolf spider bite on record. But they can cause allergic reactions. It is actually rare for a wolf spider to bite a human in the first place. These creatures will only do so if they feel threatened – although they will often run from danger rather than face off with it. If you were to hold a wolf spider or accidentally brush against one, this may lead to a bite.

What Should You Do If a Wolf Spider Bites You?

If a wolf spider does bite you it’s likely you won’t need to do anything at all. It depends on the individual and the specific reaction to the bite. Even if you don’t react, it might be worth taking a couple of precautionary steps just in case. Clean the area you were bitten with water and soap and if there is any pain or swelling then apply ice or antiseptic cream. This will also help fight any infection. If you are allergic to the bite, you’ll feel a lot more uncomfortable and the pain will last longer. You could feel yourself getting itchy and congested. In this instance, it is best to seek medical help. This doesn’t need to be drastic – some over the counter antihistamine will resolve the symptoms and calm down the bitten area of skin. If you are very worried though, see a doctor.

How to Avoid Getting Bitten by a Wolf Spider

The simple answer is to stay away from their habitats. Wolf spiders are found in 124 locations around the world and there are as many as 2888 species. There are 125 species in the US alone. They are mostly located in areas of long grass, such as meadows and marshes. Their ability to thrive in a variety of habitats means they are also found in mountainous regions, deserts, jungles, and wetlands. They are found in tunnels in the soil, in trees and shrubbery, under fallen leaves, and even in the home. At home, they’ll be found between floorboards, in the corners of windows, between brickwork or stonework, and in stacked firewood. They might even hole themselves away in potted plants, as well as in closets, outhouses, and basements. This means it is often tricky to avoid them completely. The good news is that they are nocturnal, so they don’t often come out during the day when you’re likely to be doing chores around the house. So you are less likely to come across one if it’s in your home. If you do see one, be sure to avoid touching it. Definitely don’t pick it up. So many people feel the need to kill a spider, but it’s often best not to. Not only is it unnecessary if it’s a single spider, squashing one could release all of its babies if it is carrying offspring. If you do worry that there is an influx of wolf spiders at your home, the best thing to do is call a professional pest controller to deal with them.

How to Identify a Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are on the larger side and can often cause panic in those who encounter them. But as described above, there’s no reason to fear them. They are two inches long in size and also chase their prey before leaping on it. This can also cause panic in those who see them as they are afraid of their agility. They can be orange or brown or gray in color, often with black spots that help them hide. They are also hairy and have three rows of eyes. They have eight eyes in total, each pair in differing sizes. Rather than the standard eight legs that an arachnid has, the wolf spider possesses two additional “arms” at the front. Some mother spiders may be spotted carrying their young on their backs too.

Wolf Spiders in the Home

As explained, wolf spiders are often found in the home, which means you might require pest control to rid your property of them. If you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to get in touch and find out whether an extermination service is required. We will provide professional advice on whether or not you might need our services. We also are proud to offer our customers Pest Control Your Way with no long-term agreements required. And if you suffer a wolf spider bite, the above information should help you not to panic. If you want to know more about spiders and other pests, or need pest control services in your  Jackson, MS home or business please visit our site at https://synergy2ms.com.  Feel free to read more about us and decide if Synergy² is the right company for you.  We have over 200 Five-Star Google reviews for pest control service in the Jackson metro area (Jackson/Madison/Brandon/Ridgeland). Check out our newest location reviews for pest control service in Jackson, MS here!
Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Barry Pitts, Synergy² Owner

Pharmacist and Synergy² Pest owner, Barry Pitts, is a long-time Madison, MS resident with a passion for applying advanced scientific pest principles to pest control services in the Jackson metro area.  Combining exceptional customer service with cutting-edge pest control technology allows Synergy² to provide residents of the Jackson metro area with the highest levels of pest control available today.

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